Workers' Compensation

Vocational Meetings & Job Referrals

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If You’ve Been Released to Return to Full Duty
Or Modified Duty Work, Your Employer Has The
Option to Bring You Back to Suitable Work.

If your employer fails to do so, the Workers’ Compensation adjuster may
have a vocational consultant contact you to perform a vocational
evaluation. This is not a meeting where the vocational consultant will try
to help you get re-training or another good paying job.

Instead, their job is to find other work in your geographic area so the
Workers’ Compensation insurance company can reduce or eliminate your
Workers’ Compensation lost wage benefits.
Although the Workers’ Compensation Act generally requires an injured
worker to attend a vocational evaluation, Welton Law does not allow
clients to meet with a consultant without the presence of an attorney.

The presence of a Welton Law attorney ensures that the vocational
consultant asks appropriate questions that don't probe into your
personal life and outside the limit of what the Workers' Compensation Law

If You've Been Contacted About a

Vocational Evaluation

Contact Attorney Barbara Welton Today 

Once the vocational evaluation is done, it is likely
that you will receive letters from the vocational
consultant with potential jobs.

It is advisable that you apply for the jobs.

The Workers’ Compensation Act and the cases interpreting it lay out what you
must do in order to be compliant and continue receiving your Workers’
Compensation lost wage benefits.

Ultimately, the Workers’ Compensation insurance company will file a petition to
reduce or eliminate your lost wage benefits based on the jobs found by the
vocational consultant.

Don't wait for the Workers' Compensation insurance
carrier to file the petition to take away your lost
wage benefits

Contact Welton Law Today